





Aug 18, 2023

Aug 18, 2023

Nok Orrason

Nok Orrason

Join Lydia's exclusive founding member program

Join Lydia's exclusive founding member program

Lydia's Beta Program
Lydia's Beta Program

Tell me if this sounds like you,

You have a spreadsheet, a handwritten calendar and a to do list on your phone yet those deadlines always come round way to quickly and you still to go through the brief which is on an email somewhere. You find yourself juggling between various platforms and apps to deliver content, communicate with brands or your agent. Furthermore, the delay in receiving payments can make you feel terribly anxious, especially when the brand doesn't reply to your numerous emails.

I understand your frustration. There is no solid foundation for you to work from.

At Lydia, our mission is simple: to be your ultimate support system and the best platform for you. This is achieved for you, by us providing you with a comprehensive overview of your finances, collaborations, and brand connections.

Yes they are alternatives out there, but they are similar to a marketplace where brands are seen as the most important customer and influencers are expendable. Lydia knows better than to focus on brands when influencers are the pillars of the industry.

Our testing has seen numerous influencers engaging in collaborations with us. Their feedback and success stories have been invaluable but we want to hear your opinion. Because it matters too!

So does this sound like you? We invite you to request joining our exclusive founding member program, as we strive to become the best foundation for influencers in the world.

Nikki Orrason
Co-founder, Lydia

Tell me if this sounds like you,

You have a spreadsheet, a handwritten calendar and a to do list on your phone yet those deadlines always come round way to quickly and you still to go through the brief which is on an email somewhere. You find yourself juggling between various platforms and apps to deliver content, communicate with brands or your agent. Furthermore, the delay in receiving payments can make you feel terribly anxious, especially when the brand doesn't reply to your numerous emails.

I understand your frustration. There is no solid foundation for you to work from.

At Lydia, our mission is simple: to be your ultimate support system and the best platform for you. This is achieved for you, by us providing you with a comprehensive overview of your finances, collaborations, and brand connections.

Yes they are alternatives out there, but they are similar to a marketplace where brands are seen as the most important customer and influencers are expendable. Lydia knows better than to focus on brands when influencers are the pillars of the industry.

Our testing has seen numerous influencers engaging in collaborations with us. Their feedback and success stories have been invaluable but we want to hear your opinion. Because it matters too!

So does this sound like you? We invite you to request joining our exclusive founding member program, as we strive to become the best foundation for influencers in the world.

Nikki Orrason
Co-founder, Lydia

Lydia © 2024 All Rights Reserved. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc.

Lydia © 2024 All Rights Reserved. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc.

Lydia © 2024 All Rights Reserved. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc.